
Auto Accident Injury

Miramar medical center treatments rendered to the patient include light-force chiropractic adjusting system, physiotherapy, massage therapy, and therapeutic exercise regimens.

Miramar medical center treatments rendered to the patient include: light-force chiropractic adjusting system, physiotherapy, massage therapy, and therapeutic exercises regimens. Victims of auto accidents, slip and fall, or sport Injuries are recommended to seek treatment immediately.
Within 21 days after an injury, scar tissue -fibrosis accumulates around the injured site, then a permanent scar-fibrosis sets in around the injury. These scar tissues accumulate as the injury persists and eventually limit a person in the future to perform their daily activities. Therefore, a chiropractic Neuro Muscular Skeletal examination and the appropriate treatment is recommended within the first 21 days following injury to help reduce and eliminate the injured scarring.

Our updated and highly effective chiropractic adjusting methods allow the body skeleton to return to its normal balance quickly. These techniques and treatments will allow the individual to return back to their daily and work activities as quickly as possible.

  • Whiplash Injuries
  • Spinal Stenosis
  • Disc Sprains/Strains
  • Joint Partial Dislocations

Car Crash Pain Injury Clinic we treat the root cause of pain and inury from an auto-accident car crash.

Using tech to aid diagnosis to further offer physiotherapy to adjust pelvic and hip misalignment using gentle therapy.

These medical conditions may cause mild or no pain in the first few weeks from injury, however these symptoms may eventually progress and worsen as time goes on causing spinal scoliosis.

why choose us

Fast Appointment

It’s our attention to the small stuff, We are prompt on each patient with care handling their treatment schedule and keeping a close eye on their wellbeing.

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Professional Doctor

We offer an all-inclusive and structural approach in chiro and physiotherapy treating every patients attain optimal levels of health and well-being.

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Epic Facility

Our facility is comfortable and safe atmosphere for our patients with up-to-date physiotherapy equipment is warm and inviting.

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